Tuesday, May 20, 2008

About This Blog


Greetings and welcome to my new blog. Since I no longer intend on just providing updates on the world of “momo” twins I’ve decided to create an entirely new blog. Sit back and try to enjoy.

A few words about the origin of my blog title. It is derived from a joke from one of my favorite comedians, Mitch Hedberg (sadly dead now). Feel free to click the audio on the right column of this blog, or read the quote:
"I mumble a lot off stage. I'm a mumbler. If I'm walking with a friend and I say something, he won't here me. He'll say "What?" So I'll say it again, but once again he doesn't hear me. So he says "What!?" But really it's just some insignificant shit that I'm saying. But now I'm yelling, "That tree is far away.""

This title seems quite apropos since I do mumble and really, let’s be honest here, I’m saying some insignificant shit with this blog. You may ask yourself: “So why a blog anyway? Well, this blog is just as much for me as anyone else since it’s a nice way to record my thoughts so I can have a hearty laugh at myself when I’m older (like 10 minutes from now). I feel kind of goofy to put down some of my thoughts to whoever chooses to read, but I guess I won't let that stop me.

For those of you who have come from my Co-momo-tion blog, I will really truly try to update this blog at least twice a week. Since my wife started blogging again (plug alert: Third Floor Home), we will have to compete for family updates. If you want concise, coherent, and well written family updates then I suggest you go there. As mentioned I plan to use this blog to, uh, blog about anything, but I plan on providing family updates as well.

Other Things You Should Know
The counter you see on this blog is just a hit counter. I could hit refresh a million times on my browser and the counter will go up (hmmm that gives me an idea). At any rate I am using Google Analytics to track “real” statistics on this blog. So you handful of readers out there, I know who you are (well, not really).

I try to be reasonably respectful of privacy. However, I will use first names and not just initials. Unless your first name is TheMostUniqueNameInTheWorld I think you can be assured of relative privacy. Plus remember, there’s a good chance you know the other handful of readers of this blog on a first name basis anyway.

I love bulleted lists and parenthesis, so be aware.

I will add more stuff here as I think about it. This post will probably be updated with some regularity…I’ll let you know when it happens.


Bethany said...

Ooh, blog groundrules! How very structured. Looking forward to keeping up with the Hightshoes.

Denise said...

Sure hope you post more frequently than you did on your other blog. Slacker.

Anonymous said...

Another Mitch Hedberg fan! Pardon my French, but that sucks balls that he passed. Here's hoping the family is doing well. Love and hugs from SoCal.

AmandaS said...

Unfortunately, my name is TheMostUniqueNameinthe World. Damn you, G$!